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Dear MoveCenter Experts: I understand that the Buyer Value Option “BVO” home sale program and direct reimbursement both cover transferee’s home sale costs. If we choose the BVO does it benefit the transferee or employer?


The Buyer Value Option (BVO) is the most popular relocation home sale program utilized by Corporate America. BVO allows the employer to cover the transferee’s sale closing costs without creating additional tax implications for the transferee. If a company doesn’t utilize this program and instead reimburses a transferee’s closing costs after the sale, the costs are reported as unearned income, and most employers will gross-up this cost. …Thus, BVO is definitely a win-win for both the transferee and employer. 

House shaped key inside keyhole opening door

For more information on how the BVO works, check out this post. For comprehensive help on your global mobility program, please contact MoveCenter.